Wedding accessible + Mobile Vulgaris - An Introduction

Welcome to Wedding Accessible! A wedding blog dedicated to my rolling beauties and the pros helping make their dreams come true!

Growing up I was well aware that I never saw disabled brides or grooms using wheelchairs. I never saw disabled people as bridal party members and almost certainly grandma, the only wheelchair user, was always stuck at the back table.

It’s no surprise that when it came to planning my own wedding, I had no idea where to start, what to do or who to ask. I had literally never seen a wedding in person, and definitely not in the media, of anyone who moved through the world like me. It didn’t take long to realize that the wedding world itself didn’t really know what to do with me either. It only took a few venue tours to realize if we didn’t have a clear vision of what we wanted we would be talked into something that was just accessible and not the dope, dream driven union we really wanted.

blonde woman with black baseball cap sits next to her dark haired fiancé on flight to Maui

Onboard with Hawaiian Air - off to Maui to say “ I Do!”

The way I see it?

It’s 2022 and disability in the bridal industry is wildly under represented and under serviced. When it is represented, it’s romanticized at best and the services provided for creating accessibility are few and far in-between (and often ugly, wtf). The few articles that exist that address accessibility are redundant, extremely vague, and often times written by able-bodied people with no personal experience. This all has got to change!

I’m just over here wondering where our epic, happily ever after’s are and why I’m still not seeing them? Billionaires are going to space, organs are being printed and cars are driving themselves. If one more person tells me I can’t have a marble ramp or golden elevator I am going to lose my shit!

I’ve been disabled for 22 years, I’ve been a bride, a bridesmaid, a guest, and regularly a vendor. I want.. No, I NEED to spread the word. Like shout from the roof tops kind of thing, that as a wheelchair user you can and SHOULD have the most beautiful, epic, dope, magical day of your life without settling!!!

Here, I hope you’ll find the tips, tricks and encouragement to push boundaries, to throw a middle finger up at societies expectations and to create your own dope traditions!

